Friday, August 31, 2018

Labor Day- Back to school somewhere in time

Labor Day is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September.

In 1894 is when it became a federal holiday.

So when did it become about sales and barbecues?  Im not sure.

But it reminds me more about going back to school.

It is the great depression for some kids who are not so thrilled about summer's end and getting up so early in the morning.

 I did and do love to learn something new every day, but I was most definitely, one of those kids who did not like to get up to go school so very in the early morning.
Sweet Dreams baby seals no school or shopping deals for you. 

So this was me, in my pretend world, talking to the new Teacher:"

"Hey, hi there, how you doing today?" 

Oh by the way- happy to be here and you know, this kid just love's to learn. But, lets start this learning stuff oh, I don't know-let's say, around noon?

Yea, that would work for me.

And by the way, I don't mind staying a little late, if you want cuz, just so you know, I'm a bit of a night owl, so, yeah, glad we had this little talk."

Could you imagine saying that to your parents or teacher?
I can hear that nice grown up response now.
What are you crazy? 
 "Now you can go- sit yourself in the little night owl corner of your mind and
 let this, "
I will get up at six am, for the rest of my life", sink in your little head."

Me now at the blackboards spelling "LET" a hundred times.

Aww, but how I did love the sweet smell of lead pencils and having that brand new plastic baby blue pencil case.

(I had to rebel ,where ever I could. 
There would be no pink for this banana curls drop-out, strait hair loving girl.) 


                     Still school was exciting at least for the first day anyway.

The day began with glue for breakfast... or was it oatmeal?

It stuck to my ribs and I could have used it for papier-mâché 

An ah ha moment! 
It must of been glue.

Lunch and the baloney sandwich on sticky, soggy, white bread, wasn't much better except for my Batman lunch box that made me secretly smile.

I stood out for being the only girl in second grade to ever have a Batman lunch box.

 BAM - BOOM-My very neat-o Batman lunch box

Barbie was over rated as far as I was concerned. 

That was just my very 8 year old unpopular opinion. 

Yes, I was brave for insisting on a Batman lunch box over Barbie.

Because I could hear Batman side kick 
Robin saying in a Holy cow sort of way,

 " Let's make her a bat girl she is so brave!"

That was one of my many daydreams that would have me saying;

to the teacher when she ask a question,that I wasn't paying attention to; then writing some new phrase or word that I have now block out of my mind forever.  

Except for the word let that one will go down in my black and white history notebook.

Then I wipe it all away as I cleaned the holy blackboards, Batman, again!

My Mother had warned me what would happen and owe boy was she right that time.

(And only that time, but please don't tell her I said that.) 
You are never too old to get schooled by your Mama.

It was the artist in me that wanted to come out, be independent on Labor Day
 and draw all over and inside my black and white notebook.

When I look back in time, it was not all black and white but shades of grey and my memory has lost its color for all the wrong reasons. I have cleaned most of it up and I can laugh and draw in my book now without being reprimanded.

Eye trees anyone?
 A Drawing
5"x 7"
JoAnne Helfert Sullam

One day not so long ago.

I started for no particular reason to draw eyes and decided that I should honor my old school notebook by picking one up a new one that had no lines and then to fill it with funny, crazy eye drawings.

I Stack
5"x 7"
JoAnne Helfert Sullam

Hmm..One became a book bag and I wondered if anyone but someone like me would use it?
Strange and cool and someone on Society6 did and I never met did.
 I Stack book bag

I stack book bookbag
     For real, there are other eye crazy drawing lovers out there.

Yes, back to school brings me down memory lane and I wonder as I sleep in and wake well after the fist school bell rings this week, if the home school kids wake up early too and what do they do with their book bags and lunch box.

Happy Labor Day and please don't work so hard and if you do, do it with some barbecue you got on sale, as you sharpen your #2 pencil.


Cretacolor Basic Drawing Sets
                                                         CretacolorBasic Drawing Sets

                                       Love this big kid pencil set from Blick art materials

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